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Femmes, oiseau, étoiles (Women, Bird, Stars)

May 15, 1942

Oil and pencil on paper

Des Moines, Des Moines Art Center. Purchased with funds from the Coffin Fine Arts Trust, Nathan Emory Coffin Collection of the Des Moines Art Center, 1966.


Femmes, oiseau, étoiles (Women, Bird, Stars)

May 16, 1942

Oil and pencil on paper

Private collection.


Femmes, oiseau, étoiles (Women, Bird, Stars)

May 16, 1942

Pencil, India ink and watercolor on paper

Private collection.


Personnages (Figures)


Pencil and watercolor on paper

Japan, Himeji City Museum of Art.


Personnages (Figures)


Pencil and watercolor on paper

Private collection.


Fillettes sautant à la corde,oiseaux, étoiles (Little Girls Skipping, Birds, Stars)

May 20, 1942

Pencil, India ink, pastel and collage on paper

Private collection.


Femmes, oiseaux, étoiles (Women, Birds, Stars)

May 25, 1942

Pencil, pastel and gouache on paper

Collection Dr. Barbaralee Diamonstein-Spielvogel.


Femmes, oiseau, étoiles (Women, Bird, Stars)

May 26, 1942

Pencil and pastel on flocked scratched paper

Private collection.


Femme, oiseau, étoile (Woman, Bird, Star)

May 26, 1942

Pencil and pastel on flocked scratched paper

Private collection.


Femme se coiffant, fillette sautant à la corde, oiseau, étoiles (Woman Combing Her Hair, Little Girl Skipping, Bird, Stars)

May 27, 1942

Pencil, pastel, charcoal, India ink and collage of flocked paper on flocked paper

Lola Fernández. On loan to the Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona.


Femmes, oiseaux, étoiles, devant le disque solaire (Women, Birds, Stars, in Front of the Solar Disk)

May 28, 1942

Pencil, pastel and collage with India ink and lead pencil on flocked scratched paper

New York, Acquavella contemporary Art.


Femmes, serpent-volant, étoiles (Women, Flying Snake, Stars)

June 1, 1942

India ink, charcoal, pencil, watercolor, gouache and pastel on scraped, flocked paper

Emilio Fernández Miró. On loan to the Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona.


Femmes, oiseau, étoiles (Women, Bird, Stars)

June 2, 1942

Pastel and pencil on flocked paper

Private collection.


Femme, oiseau, étoiles (Woman, Bird, Stars)

June 3, 1942

Pastel and pencil on flocked paper

Collection Gallery K. AG. On loan to the Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona.


Femmes et oiseau devant le soleil (Women and Bird in front of the Sun)


Pencil, pastel, India ink and gouache on flocked paper

Private collection.


Personnages dans la nuit (Figures in the Night)


Pencil, gouache and pastel on flocked paper

Finland, Tampere, Sara Hildén Art Museum.


Femmes, oiseau, étoiles (Women, Bird, Stars)

June 5, 1942

Pencil and pastel on flocked paper

Private collection.


Personnages, oiseau, gouttes d’eau (Figures, Bird, Drops of Water)


Pencil and pastel on paper

Private collection.

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The information offered by this database relating to ownership, provenace, bibliography and exhibition of works by Joan Miró are subject to change or expansion. Successió Miró may offer more detailed information, and can be contacted by email at info@successiomiro.com. We also appreciate any information or correction users may be able to provide.

La información que ofrece esta base de datos referente a la propiedad, procedencia, bibliografía y exposiciones de las obras de Joan Miró está sujeta a cambios o ampliaciones, por lo que Successió Miró ofrece datos complementarios a través de su correo electrónico info@successiomiro.com. Asímismo, agradeceremos cualquier información que nos puedan aportar los usuarios.

La informació que ofereix aquesta base de dades referent a la propietat, procedència, bibliografia i exposicions de les obres de Joan Miró està subjecta a canvis o ampliacions, per la qual cosa Successió Miró ofereix informació complementària mitjançant la direcció de correu electrònic info@successiomiro.com. Aixímateix, agrairem totes les dades que ens puguin aportar els usuaris.

Toute information relative à la propriété, provenance, bibliographie et expositions est susceptible de changer. Vous pourrez obtenir plus information à travers notre e-mail info@successiomiro.com. De même, nous remercierons toute information complémentaire.