Transfer of Images

Apply for image rental

Successió Miró has an extensive archive of images of Joan Miró's works, in addition to a collection of photos, correspondence and a periodical library, along with his personal library, which includes exhibit catalogs and journals pertaining to Miró's figure and work.

You may:
  • Specify if the image is strictly for private use or for other purposes. If it is intended for a publication, title of the publication, editor and date of publication as well as language and countries of distribution must be duly specified.
  • Send two copies of the publication within one month of publication date.
  • Destroy all the ceded files in high resolution within 90 days of receipt. Use of the images will be limited to a period of time, which will be indicated on the invoice next to the item rented.
You may NOT:
  • Reproduce the images ceded except those indicated by the petitioner.
  • Make any fragmentation, overprint or any type of alteration of the original work without Successió Miró's authorization.
  • Make copies of the digital archives in high resolution, loan, cede, rent, sell, or sublease them to third parties, or disseminate via the Internet.
Important: Reservation of Copyrights

Regarding the responsibility of requesting the authorization of photo's author or executor, when these are under legal protection and have not yet become part of the public domain. Succesió Miró does not cede the photographer’s copyright.

Successió Miró declines any responsibility for the use of images that have not been granted mandatory authorization in accordance with the current legislation on copyright matters.

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